Pick a problem. Analyze where it comes from. Eliminate its cause. And the problem goes away. It doesn’t all the time.
Nature logic is far more complex. It’s far more wicked. Because it spins. As the earth spins, so does the wind. Water, rock, fire – none of these natural phenomena goes straight. Nature is spiral. No reason why logic shouldn’t spin, is there?
Nature has two spiral options: spinning upward or spinning downward. Spinning inside – centripetally, or spinning outside – centrifugally.
If your logic spins out of its gravitational center (the gut issue), it is bad spiral logic.
All guts (bowels) go spiral, gut itself being “void” and stationary – like the eye of the typhoon or the Black Hole.
Spiral debaters try to “gut” each other’s arguments by competitive-cooperative means.
Spiral debate is a biologically-correct mental exercise, born of natural forces of energy.
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