Let me tell you this, pointblank.
The debate is based on the law of
Which side, pro or con, attracts
the other side more vigorously? Debate,
logical by nature, favors intellectual superiority over emotional prowess.
College debate, in particular,
gravitates toward the battle of logic, enforced by information (facts and
figures) rather than intelligence.
Why? Because unquantifiable
intelligence, hidden underneath, explodes like magna at nature’s whim.
But can a case be made that those
red hot molten rocks are the real motives behind those rationally fabricated
Logical confrontation works better
perhaps at the academic level than an emotional confrontation that’s a fact of
life, albeit it is considered politically incorrect.
being politically correct (sugar coated) and civilized, for that matter, but
plays only a second fiddle to honne
(honest feelings construed as inappropriate or politically incorrect). But who
knows honne, coming from spontaneous
and thus natural impulses, is more powerful.
Debate, merely as a pursuit of
persuasive skills, is too academic, and not entirely “in tune” with reality.
This is where the Way of Debate (spiral debate) comes in. 道 (Doh) picks up where 術 (Jutsu) leaves off.
Keep in mind, however, 道and 術 are not muturely exclusive. 術 divides, but 道 unites, the theory of thermodynamics
says fusion is far more powerful than fission, because 道does
not exclude 術. Both 道and 術
complement with each other.
Now that’s the Way of Debate. The
spiral debate, hexagonally organized, comes by spontaneous generation. It doesn’t
come on my own, but by nature’s will.
Man-made logic goes straight. But
nature’s logic goes spiral.
The spiral debate, after all the
clash of two vortexes. I’ve been recently inspired by my experiences at Nushima island I recently visited for
two nights’ stay. All I saw at this wonder island is vortexes. The vortex
(whirl-pool) at Naruto strait,
spirally deformed trans-formational rocks, spirally twisted fossil rocks, all
indications of the happy marriage between Jomon
and Yayoi cultures spirally fusing
into each other.
Conflicts or clashes kill but
vortexes don’t. They just live and let live – reversing each other. 和 is spiral. 和 should not kill; cannot kill. Spiral
debate, life-giving debate, makes opponents, friendly or unfriendly, come
alive. Now, that’s the beauty and joy of spiral debate.
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