
Logics Instead of Logic: A Poem About Six Logics (6/6)


We think earth. Down and Dark.
We think twice. We kill nobody.
We waste nothing. We just recycle.
 And we bear and rear.
And listen.
We can recycle wasted logics back to life.
Because earth logic spirals all energies
- back to earth.
We play the mother-avoiding risk and

But earth can’t rationalize as rock can.

出典:”Logics Instead of Logic”, Michihiro Matsumoto
名古屋外国語大学 外国語学部 紀要 第13号(1996/1/1


Logics Instead of Logic: A Poem About Six Logics (5/6)


We think heaven. Up and Bright.
We think with harmony.
We sing like angels
 and think like music.
We can harmonize sounds of
rock, water, fire and wind.
And judge them.
And listen.
We can put them all together
for a change.
Because heaven logic spirals all energies
We play the father-taking risk
and go forward.

But heaven can’t recycle as earth can.

出典:”Logics Instead of Logic”, Michihiro Matsumoto
名古屋外国語大学 外国語学部 紀要 第13号(1996/1/1


Logics Instead of Logic: A Poem About Six Logics (4/6)



We think wind. Cool and Swift.
We think with situations. We think now.
We think here. We think tomorrow.
And we think smart.
And listen.
We can let go of
what our emotions can’t.
Why? Because wind logic blows away
the past that binds.
We smile and laugh away our blinds.

But wind can’t put’em together as heaven can.

出典:”Logics Instead of Logic”, Michihiro Matsumoto

名古屋外国語大学 外国語学部 紀要 第13号(1996/1/1


Logics Instead of Logic: A Poem About Six Logics (3/6)

We think fire, Red and Hot.
We think with emotions.
We love. We envy.
We hate. We fear. And we anger.
And listen.
We can intuit what water can’t.
Because fire logic burns love or hate
and yield to temptation.
We love and hate with equal passions.

But fire can’t forget as wind can.

出典:”Logics Instead of Logic”, Michihiro Matsumoto

名古屋外国語大学 外国語学部 紀要 第13号(1996/1/1


Logics Instead of Logic: A Poem About Six Logics (2/6)

We think water, Cold and Pure.
We think analog.
We see. We hear. We touch.
We taste. And we smell.
And listen.
We can see good and bad
in anything or anybody.
Why? Because water logic
becomes one with others.
We see things grow
case by case like water that flows.

But water can’t feel as fire can.

出典:”Logics Instead of Logic”, Michihiro Matsumoto
名古屋外国語大学 外国語学部 紀要 第13号(1996/1/1


Logics Instead of Logic: A Poem About Six Logics (1/6)




A Poem About Six Logics
We have six logics:
rock, water, fire, wind, heaven and earth.
They tell us how to think and act.



We think rock. Hard and Cold.
We think digital. We think clear.
We think why, we think because.
And we think higher.
And listen.
We can help our mind think.
Why? Because rock logic works
with a chain.
We think straight, one, two, three
And don’t like change.

But rock can’t sense as water can.

出典:”Logics Instead of Logic”, Michihiro Matsumoto           
名古屋外国語大学 外国語学部 紀要 第13号,p.14(1996/1/1


Spiral Logic IV The Seven Life Forces of Energy (4/7)

           The Rock Persons

            The rock persons make perfect philosophers or religion leaders, because they, while sitting still rock-like, like zen monks sitting in lotus position, musing.

            The rock persons don’t flare up like fire, fly or flirts like wind, or float or flow like water; they are firm like sedentary rocks, while building and organizing thoughts and beliefs like marble temples.

            Ancient civilization was power-based. Where does the power come from? Mathematics, logic, and organized passion and creative inspiration.

            Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,……Alexander the Great. The case can be made that the power came from those philosophers’ stones. The rocks. Mind over matter. Amen. But matter also matters. Because passionate mind wins the first round. Wind makes it go public on the second round. Water makes it flow, watering the Roman Catholics, the third round.

            The public needs to make the Christian doctrine of salvation stick by rationalizing their teachings based on their holy mission. The holy scripture, the Bible. Anything written goes. The birth of Rock logic ―― justifying Biblical Truth ―― the divine principle of certainty is against the scientific cogency adopted by debaters: probably (more than eighty percent), plausibly(more than fifty percent), possibly (more than 10-20 percent, possibly) Biblical truth: 100% of newly-borns are originally sinners). The rock persons are not allowed to compromise on their dogmatic principle but are able to punish doubters, who deviate or fifer from debate ―― the bed-rock rules of ethics. Socrates, Hitler, Jesus, Sadam Hussein, all started as red-hot rebels in the eyes of the rules. The rock persons doubt doubters. Why? Because the rulers have a morbid fear that they might incessant doubt triggers a sudden volcanic action.


Spiral Logic IV The Seven Life Forces of Energy (3/7)

The Water Person feels, thinks and behaves like water. Water, unlike its fire opposite, is cool and goes down. Water is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and shapeless and therefore qualifies as the quintessential force of life ―― Queen of life. It’s solid, liquid and gaseous.

            Its amorphous power makes martial artists and negotiators formidable and invincible.

            If fire is passion, water is compassion. Fire goes up and water comes down. Fire persons tend to be condescending (takai-mesen) and sympathetic toward, or pitying the underdogs.

            Water persons neither look up to nor look down upon anybody; they just display empathic feelings toward those nearby ―― underdogs or top dogs. Water persons go by the flow, following the Lao Tsu’s instructions of “Water Course”. The gospel of Christianity could have spread around the world without Fire, Wind and Water. The redeemer’s blood must be cleansed, purified to heal the lonely hearts in misery or agony. The missionaries’ job is to provide those hungry and thirsty with the food and water. The water missionaries identify with Jesus and chant along with Negro spiritual singers.

♬♬Jesus met the woman … At the well… ♬♬ Well, readers, the well symbolizes water, that springs. The well, wisdom, woman ―― w-words. WATER. Well, the wave of the future.